The latest from FeedBear

Check this page for updates on new features and other product changes.

New Feature: Ability to Reorder Boards Now Available!

Board Order

We're excited to announce a new feature that will give you more control and flexibility within FeedBear. You can now reorder boards to your liking, making it easier to prioritize and access the most important ones first.
With the ability to change the order in which boards are listed in the Feedback boards menu and elsewhere, you can customize your workspace to suit your workflow. No more scrolling through a long list to find what you need - organize your boards the way that makes sense to you.

Anonymous ideas

We've just rolled out a brand new feature that many have been asking for - the ability to post ideas anonymously!
We understand that not everyone wants to create an account or reveal their identity when submitting an idea or bug report. That's why we've made it super easy for your customers to share their thoughts without any friction.
With this latest update, your users can now click on the "Add Idea" button and submit their ideas directly, without having to provide a name or any personal information - they can still enter their details, optionally, so they can be notified of status changes.
By allowing anonymous submissions, you're opening up the floor to even more voices and perspectives.
You can enable anonymous idea submissions from Project Settings, then click on Feedback and make sure the checkbox for this feature is enabled.

Make Ideas Private (Visible Only to Admins)

We're excited to bring you a highly requested feature to help you manage feedback more effectively. You can now make ideas private, ensuring that only admins have access to them. 🤫
To make an idea private, simply head over to the idea from your board or roadmap and, from the right panel, click on the "Make Private" button.

Once enabled, the post will be hidden from regular users, ensuring that only admins with the right permissions can access it. Even the person who posted the idea won't be able to access it anymore.

You can now quickly remove an idea from public view (or from users in a private project), while keeping it accessible internally for your own team (yourself and other admin users).

Posts made private are now visibly marked by an icon wherever they are visible (feedback boards, roadmap or search results). You'll see them as an admin, but not your users.

You can now easily make a post private - visible only to you and other team members


Custom Code for Google Analytics Support

We're excited to announce a brand new feature that many of you have been asking for - the ability to add custom code to your projects! 🎉
With this latest update, admins can now easily include additional HTML/javascript code in FeedBear, allowing you to integrate various third-party tools and services seamlessly.
One popular use case for this feature is adding Google Analytics support to your projects. By simply entering the Google Analytics javascript snippet, you'll be able to monitor traffic, and gain valuable insights into how your customers are engaging with your feedback board, roadmap and individual ideas.
We understand that every company has unique requirements, and sometimes out-of-the-box solutions just don't cut it. That's why we wanted to empower you with the ability to customize FeedBear according to your specific needs.

You'll find this new feature under Project Settings / Custom Code - which also includes support for Custom CSS, to customize the look and feel of your project.
Custom Code now includes Custom CSS, and HTML code to include in the <head> and footer part of your pages.

AI-powered replies to ideas

We are thrilled to announce our latest update that will help you save time and energy when it comes to answering new feature requests on your board.
As you know, answering every new idea with a thoughtful response can be time-consuming and requires a certain level of skill. With FeedBear's new feature, you can now draft replies using GPT4, which will help you streamline the process.

FeedBear generates 3 replies for you, just click on a suggestion to edit it before you send it
This feature can help you save time and effort by suggesting replies based on the context of the idea and the language you use in your responses.

To give it a try, just click on the "Reply using AI" button in the comments section.

Click on "Reply using AI" to generate possible replies for the idea

AI-powered Changelog Generator

We understand how time-consuming it can be to draft changelog entries or new feature announcements. 

That's why we've developed a solution that allows admins to create new changelog entries in no time, based on the content of ideas already added to a board.
With the help of GPT4, FeedBear can now draft changelog entries for you whenever you mark an idea as "Done", or at any time directly from the Changelog entry editor. This means that when you're ready to announce your latest feature, you can do it in just a few clicks.

Our goal is to make it easier for you to keep your customers up to date with your product's latest developments, and we hope this new feature will help you achieve that.

To give it a try, click on "Write with AI" from the changelog editor. Or notice how FeedBear drafts a new changelog entry automatically whenever you change status to "Done" for any idea on your board.

Create a changelog from any idea in your project, or automatically when changing status to "Done"

Internal Notes for Ideas

Admins can now save notes about an idea, such as links to internal documents, project tracking tools or details about customers. This will help you keep all the important information in one place, making it easier to manage feedback.

The internal notes space can be used for anything you want - links to docs, notes about the feature, customers affected, etc.

FeedBear Intercom app

We are excited to announce our new Intercom app for FeedBear! You can now easily add ideas from your Intercom inbox directly into FeedBear boards.

You can also easily search and filter users and add upvotes on their behalf, all directly from an Intercom conversation.

See more details on how to enable the FeedBear Intercom app for your project by clicking here.

FeedBear Intercom integration

Custom menus

We are excited to announce that you can now edit and add custom links to the menu displayed in the board header.

The new settings are located under "Project Settings > Menus".
Custom menus

Jira integration

Our long waited Jira integration is finally here!

You can now link ideas from your FeedBear board to issues in your Jira project.

To enable your Jira integration go to your "Project Settings" and then "Integrations". The Jira integration is only available to customers on the Professional plan and higher.

Jira Integration

Email notification settings

You can now easily enable or disable certain email notifications that are sent to users and admins.

In your project "Email Settings", scroll to the bottom to see the notifications types.

Email notification settings


If English is not the primary language of your users, you will be happy to hear that we have implemented translated interfaces for our boards, roadmap, and updates pages.

To activate a different language for your project, go to "Project Settings > Translations Settings", there you will find a list of all the available languages that can be applied.

We are looking for people to help us translate FeedBear into more languages, if you are willing to assist let us know!

Translation Settings


You can now embed your boards, roadmap, and updates page directly into your website.

Allow your users to submit their ideas and check your roadmap and updates without ever leaving your site.

You can find a quick guide on how to incorporate the embeds into your pages by clicking here.

FeedBear Embeds

Single Sign-On

You can now integrate your website login system with your FeedBear project.

We are slowly rolling this feature out to our customers, if you are interested in using SSO for your project send us a message at and we will be happy to help with activating it for you.

Single Sign-On


You can now use Webhooks to integrate your boards with third-party platforms.

Create cards in Trello, add entries to a Google Spreadsheet, or simply send an email to your team members when an Idea is added to your board, the possibilities are endless.

The "Webhooks" tab can be found in your "Project settings".
FeedBear Webhooks

Edit roadmap view, add and edit statuses

You can now edit the roadmap to choose which statuses are displayed, create custom statuses or rename the existing ones, change their order.

This allows you to have any number of statuses showing in the roadmap, translating the statuses or using your own names.

To make these changes, you'll find Edit Roadmap and Edit Statuses buttons in the roadmap page.

Edit status names, add new ones and change the roadmap view

Easily export all your data

You can now export your entire's project data, including feedback, comments, users and upvotes. You'll find this in the "Export" tab in "Project settings".

Export all your project's data in one click

Custom CSS

You guys have asked for it and we listened. You can now add Custom CSS to your FeedBear project, allowing you to customize its design to match your requirements and branding guidelines.

The Custom CSS feature is located under the Project Settings.

We hope you all enjoy this feature! Get creative with the possibilities!

Style your project as you want with custom CSS

Trello integration

We are happy to announce that our Trello integration is now live and available to all users.

The integration can be enabled from the "Project Settings" area, under "Integrations", and allows you to easily create a card in Trello, or simply attach feedback to an existing Trello card.

We hope that all of you Trello users enjoy this feature!

We are keen to hear your feedback, if you have any ideas, questions or suggestions just let us know.

Rename Changelog and Roadmap

You can now edit the page title for Roadmap and Changelog and make them anything you want! 

This is reflected in the link displayed in the header menu too.

Upvote on behalf of users

You can now upvote feedback on behalf of your users. This should be particularly useful for those who gather feedback from customers over phone calls and support platforms.

Pin comments to the top

You can now pin a comment to the top so it gets some more attention:

Pin comment to the top

Add headings and descriptions for all pages

Many have asked for ways to add more context to the feedback boards, roadmap or other pages. You can now add a title and a description for each board (by editing the board), as well as the Roadmap and Changelog pages (from Project Settings)

Filter and sort your Roadmap

You can now filter the roadmap view by board or tag, sort items in any order.

Custom homepage for your project

You can now decide whether your project’s homepage loads to your Feedback board, Roadmap or Changelog. The “Homepage” option loads a list of boards and your Roadmap all in one page.

Change this under Project Settings.

Feedback import and export

You can now import or export posts into a board.

You can use this feature to:
  • Export to your project management tool e.g. Jira or Trello
  • Import from another tool or spreadsheet into FeedBear to kickstart a project
  • Save a backup of your feedback

Favicon support

We've improved the way things look when you share a link to your board in slack, on social media and in search engines.

You can also customize your feedback board with your own favicon.

Small things, but we'll make FeedBear even more customizable with the next updates.

Feedback widget

You can now embed a FeedBear feedback widget into your site! Let your users give you feedback without leaving what they're doing.

Notable features:

🆔 User identification
👀 Duplicate prevention: existing posts are suggested as people write the title
🎨 Color customization: respects your selected accent color
👉 Hook the widget popup to any element of your choosing

You can find all information on how to set it up in your project settings.