Any ideas for FeedBear?
Tell us what you’d like to see in the product, problems you’re having or things we should fix.
Tell us what you’d like to see in the product, problems you’re having or things we should fix.
This could be a problem you're having or something you wish was possible with FeedBear.
The feature request board should only show new items that came in. Once you assign them a status you should be able to make it so you only see it on the roadmap since it is already accounted for rather than having to view it all in two places.
It would be nice to be able to disable upvoting on items that are already in progress or done - meaning I want to be able to pick and choose which sections on the roadmap allow upvoting
We use Feedbear for internal project management and restrict access to the board to only those within the firm. Currently, I do not see any way to delete users once they have left the firm. Currently, the only way is to block user email addresses one by one. Additionally, I don't see any user id validation method such as an email link to validate the sign up. This would help if a user left the company but then tries to create a fake account to access the board. I guess SSO would tackle this but it would be great to manage the user list.
The language setting for feedbear is set at the project level. Our customres speak various languages and we would like the user interface to be provide based on the users preferences vs it being set statically. For example if my browser language is french, display the french translation. If it is english give the english translation.
Should admins be allowed to pin specific posts to the top of their boards?
Certain projects call for anonymity amongst each other, but not for the admins. Having a toggle that allows admins to hide users information amongst each other would solve this.
Add a toggle for users to enable dark mode on their projects.
I would like to expand my company's adoption of FeedBear and increase our user license count, but I cannot do that with the current Owner and Admin roles. I need a Contributor role that I can grant to some of my company's users. A Contributor may not: -Administer the project -Administer individual boards -Invite Admin/Contributor users -Change any configurations -Access boards they are not assigned to A Contributor may: -Access only boards they are assigned to -Maintain the status of ideas on boards they are assigned to -Post and Moderate comments on boards they are assigned to Introduction of the Contributor role would allow me to roll FeedBear out to a larger internal audience, additional products, and additional customers. This would likely push us from the Business Tier to the Enterprise Tier (and that's OK)
Allow YouTube video embeds in changelog entries.
As a product team, we have several problems that we want to allow users to submit in related to specific categories. If we could have a dropdown that we could specify (that would also feed to the API), this would allow me to categorize my feedback much more concisely.
An activity log to see the latest activity on the feedback etc, such as recent ideas, upvotes and comments.
Send custom email notifications to users who have subscribed to a specific post.
Similar to the feedback widget, there should be an option to show updates in a compact, embeddable way. Changelog widget should show a red dot over the trigger button when there are unread items.
It seems very unproductive to actual use cases that it is impossible to directly vote against any specific feedback item. In large discussion boards there are often posts with little to no value but the only upvote design makes it painfully obstructive to identify decent growing ideas from things that have simply not been thought through at all. Sites like Reddit support this just fine - don't fix it if it isn't broke. Practically, any post given enough attention will always garner an increasing number of votes - and without having access to the corresponding number of dissent, posts become pure popularity contests since any publicity becomes good publicity. It is impossible to see if a post is actually controversial or downright in a vocal minority because you polarise the results for a bubble of people that agree with the feedback - actually a very disturbing thought given the amount of misinformation and lack of healthy debate and criticism in the world as a whole today...
Allow the comment writer and if possible the voters to rank the idea in terms of how critical/necessary it is for them 1: nice to have 5:cannot use product/service without this
Post a message on Discord every time a new suggestion is posted
It would be nice to have a central location to review all ideas on all boards or chosen boards (tick box to filter by boards) with the additional ability to filter by status. This would be helpful because all ideas on our boards go to the status of not set - I review all of these in a meeting environment and change the status after our discussion.
We use Linear for issue tracking, and will not purchase a solution without this native efficiency built in.
When we collect feedback, we often need to collect additional information. This may include the region of the user, the area of product that this impacts, etc... As an admin, it would be very helpful to be able to extend the data model with custom attributes and fields..
I want to be able to embed my homepage view on the site. Similar to Canny, Userback and others. Goal is to let people see the roadmap AND all the feedback boards in one place.